Samuel Aru Bol - "What Is the Solution to the Southern Problem?", Peace
File No. 11, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Centre for Strategic and International Studies
Perhaps the United States' premier foreign policy think-tank, the CSIS has published a review of US-Sudan policy. Whilst good in parts it still leaves a lot to be desired in accuracy and attitude.
Dr. J. Stephen Morrison & Dr. Francis Deng, "Forging a New Dialogue on Sudan: Statement of Task" "US Policy to End Sudan's War: Report of the CSIS Task Force on US-Sudan Policy"

Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers
Use "Individual Country Entries" to locate material on Sudan.

Council for International People's Friendship
"[E]stablished in Khartoum in 1990... it aimed to enable the people of Sudan to play an effective role in enriching the process of popular diplomacy which aims at fostering international co-operation and peace".

Dr. M. A. Fazal - "A Federal Solution to the Conflict in Sudan"
Dr. Fazal, Principal Lecturer in Law at Nottingham Trent University (England), and author of such books as 'Judicial Control of Administrative Action in India and Pakistan and Bangladesh: A Comparative Study' and 'A Federal Constitution for the United Kingdom', makes a constructive proposal for a constitutional mechanism that would assist in the resolution of the Sudanese conflict.

Dr. Sean Gabb - "Anglo-Sudanese Relations:Time for Closer Links?",
Politics File No. 1, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Dr. Sean Gabb - "Anglo-Sudanese Relations: An Open Letter to Malcolm Rifkind, Secretary of Stae for Foreign Affairs, December 1966", Politics File No. 2, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Dr. Sean Gabb - "An Open Letter of Appeal From the Sudan Foundation Regarding the American-Backed Armed Interbvention in Sudanese Affairs (5 February 1997)", Peace File No. 5, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Dr. Sean Gabb - "The Civil War and Peace Process in Sudan: A Brief Account", Paece File No. 13, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Dr. Sean Gabb - "Anglo-Sudanese Relations: Time for a New Start. An Open Letter to the Rt Hon Tony Blair MP, Britsih Prime Minister, February 1998", Politics File No. 15, The Sudan Foundation, 1998

German Parliament - "Sudano-German Relations: Calls Within the German
Parliament for an Internal Settlement to the Sudanese Civil War, 16 January 1997" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 8, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Government of Sudan & The Sudan People Liberation (United) - "The Political Charter of 26 April 1996 Signed Between the Sudanese Government and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (United)" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 3, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Government of Sudan & the South Sudan Independence Movement & the Sudan
Peoples Liberation Movement - "The Political Charter of 10 April 1996 Signed Between the Sudanese Government and the South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM/A) and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (Bahr El-Ghazal Group) (SPLM [BGG])" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 4, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Government of Sudan & the South Sudan United Democratic Salvation Front - "General Features of the Peace Agreement Made Between the Government of Sudan and Several of the Southern Rebel Groups: A Document Published by the Sudanese Ministry of External Relations, Khartoum, 16th April 1997" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 9,
The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Government of Sudan & the South Sudan United Democratic Salvation Front
- "Peace Agreement Signed the 21st April 1997" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 10, The Sudan Foundation, 1997
Also at:

"[W]as founded in 1993 in a joint initiative between the University of Ulster and the United Nations University. INCORE aims to address the management and resolution of conflict via a combination of research, training, and other activities which inform and influence national and international organisations working in the field of conflict."
"INCORE Guide to Internet Sources on Conflict and Ethnicity in Sudan".

International Campaign to Ban Landmines - Landmine Monitor Report 2001

Sirr Anai Keluel-Jang - "Unity and Self-Determination: Are They Negotiable?" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Politics File No. 6, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Sirr Anai Keluel-Jang - "Abel Alier and the Political Charter: The Dictator's Deputy Back on the Political Stage" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Politics File No. 7, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Lt. Gen. Joseph Lagu - "To My Fellow Sudanese: Which Way Forward? An Open Letter From Lt. Gen. Joseph Lagu" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 14, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Dunacn McNair (Lord McNair) - "A Speech on Sudanese Matters Delivered
in the House of Lords on Monday the 1st of December 1997 by Lord McNair" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Politics File No. 11, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

David Nailo N. Mayo - "A Rsponse to Professor Abdulrahim Ali's
'Sttaement on the South Sudan Issue: An Historical Perspective" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Opposition Voices No. 6, The Sudan Foundation, 1998

Khartoum Peace Agreement, The 21 April 1997

Peace Building Centre/Peace Building Network, The
" The overall objective of the peace building network, which operates
under the umbrella of the UNDP Peace Project, is to create a space for sharing information and promoting partnerships that will help improve the coordination of the peace building culture of peace efforts at all level of society in the Sudan ... The purposes of the network include... information sharing, documentation of peace building experiences, developing an early warning system through analysis of the conflictsituation, developing a common peace advocacy strategy ... It will not
have a political identity and will not be represented in direct political negotiations between the warring parties. However, individual members of the network may attend such negotiations as observers or in another capacity".
The members of the network seem to be largely southern opposition elements and those based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Project Ploughshares
"An ecumenical agency of the Canadian Council of Churches... to carry out research, analysis, dialogue, and public education on peace and security issues".
Ploughshares Sudan Track II Diplomacy Project

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
"The task of the Institute is to conduct research on questions of conflict and cooperation of importance for international peace and security". Use their search engine to locate material about Sudan.

Sudan Foundation, The - "An Open Letter of Appeal From the Sudan Foundation Regarding the American-Backed Armed Intervention in Sudanese Affairs, 5th February 1997", Peace File No. 5, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

Sudan Foundation, The - "The International Community, the Sudanese Civil War, the Sudan People's Liberation Army and the Future of Sudan", Peace File No. 15, The Sudan Foundation, 1999

Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army, The - "Policy Statement . on the Sudanese Peace Sagreement Signed in Khartoum on the 21st April 1997" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Opposition Voices No. 1, The Sudan Foundation, May 1997

Sudanese National Council & British Sudanese Friendship Society - "Proceedings of the Conference on The Southern Sudan Problem and the Propects of Peace", Held on Sunday 26 April, 1998, London

Dr. Hassan al-Turabi - "Crisis in Sudan: Interview With Dr. Hassan al-Turabi" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Politics File No. 9, The Sudan Foundation, 1997.

Umma Party, The - "Statement of the Umma Party on the Peace Agreement
Signed in Khartoum on the 21st April 1997" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Oppostion Voices No. 2, The Sudan Foundation, 1997

UNMAS - Report of the UNMAS Emergency Mine Action Project in Sudan, May

Alfred Keri Yokwe - "Speech of H.E. Commissioner , Bar El Jebel P{rovince, Juba, Alfred Keri Yokwe, on the Occasion of the Anniversary of the Slavation Revolutionary Government, Given in Freedom Square, Juba, on Wednesday 23rd July 1996" (Edited by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 1, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Henry Jada Zakaria - "Speech of H.E. Col. (Retd) Henry Jade Zakaria, Speaker of the State Representative Assembly on the Occasion of the 7th Anniversary of the Celebrations of the National Salvation Revolution, Given in Freedom Square, Juba, on Wednesday 23rd July 1996" (Edited With an Introduction by Dr. Sean Gabb), Peace File No. 2, The Sudan Foundation, 1996

Espac Published by The European - Sudanese Public Affairs Council Copyright © David Hoile 2005
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